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Section: Dissemination

Promoting Scientific Activities

Scientific Events Organisation

Members of the team have been involved in creating a series of conferences on “The cut locus: A bridge over differential geometry, optimal control, and transport”, together with Japanese colleagues, see motivations in Section 3.2. The first one took place in Bangkok, Thailand, in 2016 and the second one was organized this year, September 3-6 in Sapporo, Japan. There are plans to organise the third conference in Nice in 2020.

J.-B. Caillau and L. Rifford were members of the scientific and organising committee for this second edition.

J.-B. Caillau was member of the Scientific committee of the PGMO days 2018, hosted by EDF labs in Saclay, and supported by the Fondation Mathématique Jacques Hadamard (FMJH). The conference gathered about 280 scientists working in optimization and data science. Together with H. Zidani (ENSTA Paristech), J.-B. Caillau organized two sessions of invited talks on "Optimal control and applications" during the conference.

J.-B. Caillau is chair (together with D. Auroux, UCA) of the 19th French-German-Swiss conference on Optimization that will take place in Nice in September 2019. This conference is the main European biennial event in optimization in the broad sense.


B. Bonnard is a member of the editorial board of the Pacific Journal of Mathematics for Industry.

Invited Talks

B. Bonnard, J.-B. Pomet and J. Rouot gave three invited talks at the conference Dynamics, Control, and Geometry, Banach center, Warsaw (Poland): “Sub-Riemannian geometry and the Copepod Micro–swimmer”, “Geometric and numerical methods in optimal control for the time minimal saturation of a pair of spins”, “Dynamic equivalence and flatness of control systems: some results and open questions”.

Olivier Cots gave an invited talk at PGMO Days. Olivier Cots, Bernard Bonnard, Jérémy Rouot and Thibaut Verron, “Geometric and numerical methods for the saturation problem in Magnetic Resonance Imaging”.

J.-B. Pomet gave an invited talk at the 2nd conference on “The cut locus: A bridge over differential geometry, optimal control, and transport”, September 3-6, Sapporo, Japan.

P. Lissy gave two seminars at Fudan University, Shanghai, China (February).

P. Lissy gave two plenary talks at PICOF conference, Beyrouth, Libanon (June) and at Workshop on Microlocal analysis, numerical analysis and kinetic equations, Madrid, Spain (February).

J.-B. Caillau gave the following invited talks:

L. Dell'Elce gave the following seminars:


Robust trajectory design using invariant manifolds. Application to the asteroid (65803) Didymos at Astrogeo, Sophia Antipolis, France.


Two-phase averaging of optimal control systems with application to the Eath-Moon transfer at JAXA, Sagamihara, Japan.


Two-phase averaging of optimal control systems at Technion, Haifa, Israel.

Leadership within the Scientific Community

J.-B. Caillau is member of the following committees:

J.-B. Caillau, L. Dell'Elce and J.-B. Pomet are members of the Centre Spatial Universitaire UCA (projet CubeSat).

Scientific Expertise

J.-B. Caillau and L. Giraldi were hired for a one day expertise for Smart'n Go (startup working in marine routing).

Research Administration